The Society for Advanced Bronchoscopy presents “A Global Perspective on Current Practices and Future Needs, from Critical Care to the Bronchoscopy Suite” with Drs Suveer Singh, Ash Sachdeva, Laura Frye, & Jaspal Singh
The Society for Advanced Bronchoscopy presents “Molecular Biomarkers in Lung Cancer” with Drs Suchitra Pilli & Danish Ahmad.
The Society for Advanced Bronchoscopy & AstraZeneca present “The Pulmonologists’ Role in Precision Medicine for NSCLC” with Drs Gerard Silvestri, Adam Fox, & Jaspal Singh.
The Society for Advanced Bronchoscopy & Noah Medical present “Diagnostic Confidence: Success in Sight” with Drs Joseph Cicenia & Bobby Mahajan.
Using PFT Screening to Identify Appropriate Patients for Bronchoscopic Lung Volume Reduction Therapy
The Society for Advanced Bronchoscopy & Pulmonx presents “Using PFT Screening to Identify Appropriate Patients for Bronchoscopic Lung Volume Reduction Therapy” with Drs Johnathan Kurman, & Christopher Di Felice.
The Society for Advanced Bronchoscopy & Biodesix presents “The Importance of Risk Stratification in a Structed Lung Nodule Program: An Expert Panel Discussion” with Drs Jorge Mercado, Susan Garwood, & Luke Yuhico.
The Society for Advanced Bronchoscopy & Body Vision Medical presents “Building a High-Performing IP Program Around Real-Time, Intraoperative Imaging ” with Drs Joe Cicenia & Michael Machuzak.
The Society for Advanced Bronchoscopy presents “Breath of Innovation: Creating a Lung Valve Program ” with Drs Kyle Hogarth & Bobby Tullos.
The Society for Advanced Bronchoscopy presents “The Benefits of an IP/Thoracic Surgeon-Led Lung Nodule Program, Powered by the Galaxy System ” with Drs. Kyle Hogarth, Krish Bhadra, & Wilson Tsai.
The Society for Advanced Bronchoscopy presents “ILLUMISITE™ Fluoroscopic Navigation Platform as Technology to Aid in Therapy Delivery” by Dr. Bryan Benn.