The Society for Advanced Bronchoscopy presents “AI-Driven, Intraoperative CT Imaging: Democratizing Real-Time, Intraoperative Image Guidance for Peripheral Bronchoscopy” with Drs Michael Machuzak and Sean Stoy and is sponsored by Body Vision Medical.
The Society for Advanced Bronchoscopy presents “Management of Pleural Effusions in 2023” by Dr. Cat Oberg.
The Society for Advanced Bronchoscopy presents “Peripheral Bronchoscopy: How Robotic Integrated Imagining Will Change the Way We Practice” with Drs Krish Bhadra, Kyle Hogarth and Bobby Mahajan and is sponsored by Noah Medical.
The Society for Advanced Bronchoscopy presents “Building Automated Programs for Early Detection of Lung Cancer” with Dr. Susan Garwood, Dr. Michael Pritchett, and Dr. Jeffrey Thompson and is sponsored by AstraZenenca.
The Society for Advanced Bronchoscopy presents “Diagnostic Bronchoscopy in the Immunocompromised Host: Can Less be Enough in 2023?” by Dr. Oleg Epelbaum.
The Society for Advanced Bronchoscopy presents “Drug-Induced Interstitial Lung Disease in Lung Cancer” by Dr. Asif M. Abdul Hameed.
The Society for Advanced Bronchoscopy presents “Single-Use Bronchoscopes: Ready for Prime Time” with Dr. Jonathan Kurman and sponsored by Ambu.
The Society for Advanced Bronchoscopy presents “Comparison and Evolution of Peripheral Navigation Platforms” by Dr. Ganesh Krishna.
The Society for Advanced Bronchoscopy presents “The Impact of Socioeconomic Status and Healthcare Disparities on Lung Cancer Screening & Evaluation” by Dr. Stephen Kuperberg.
The Society for Advanced Bronchoscopy presents “Pleural Space Infections” by Dr. Reza Ronaghi.