Interventional Bronchoscopy
Organisers : Grigoris Stratakos
Faculty : Leonidas Angelakis, Ioannis Athanasopoulos, Philippe Emmanouil, Nikos Koufos, Ira Michailidou, Alastair Moore, Ales Rozman, Vlasios Vitsas
This course aims to develop practical skills and knowledge in the field of interventional bronchoscopy for practitioners who already have a basic level of training. Participants will be provided with further theoretical background, live demonstrations of procedures, and extensive practical sessions with advanced simulation models including animals. During the course, emphasis will be given to TBNA use (conventional, EBUS-TBNA and b-EUS), rigid bronchoscopy, combined therapeutic techniques, stent placement and bronchoscopic lung volume reduction. Participants will receive educational materials electronically prior to the course and are asked to complete and successfully pass online modules before attending the hands-on course. The maximum number of participants for this course is 24.
An application will be made to EACCME for CME accreditation of this event. The number of credits that you will receive corresponds to your attendance during the course. Please note that you need to sign the register of attendance each day to ensure that you receive the CME credits.
Educational aims
By the end of the course, participants will be able to
- Recognise indications and contra-indications of major bronchoscopic modalities.
- Perform TBNA in major lymph node stations.
- Have knowledge of electrocautery and cryotherapy for endobronchial treatment or biopsies.
- Be familiar with rigid bronchoscopy debulking techniques and stent placement.
- Understand and practice with navigation technologies such as EBUS and electromagnetic navigation.
Target audience
- Pulmonologists, thoracic surgeons and critical care specialists already familiar with basic bronchoscopic techniques, wishing to acquire in depth knowledge and experience of contemporary interventional bronchoscopic modalities.
- Fellows on pulmonary medicine who see in interventional bronchoscopy an interesting future field of their specialisation and wish to acquire in depth knowledge and practical training.
- Lectures
- Live performances of bronchoscopic modalities on real clinical cases which are going to be projected live in the amphitheatre, commented by expert tutors
- Hands-on workshops on animal models (mechanically ventilated animal lungs) and artificial models